Nieuw: online community of practice voor Oostelijk en Zuidelijk Afrika

ingevoerd op 24-02-2016

Werkt jouw organisatie met partners in Oostelijk of Zuidelijk Afrika op het gebied van zorg voor kwetsbare kinderen? Breng je partner(s) dan op de hoogte van de nieuwe online community of practice voor deze regio!

Care To Practice is a space for accessing and sharing global and regional learning and resources. It is also a forum that recognises the expertise of practitioners working in the region and the need to support the wider sharing and discussion of regional challenges, innovations, learning and knowledge.

By joining Care To Practice, participants will not only be able to connect with other practitioners from all over the region, but will also receive regular updates from the initiative. This will include easy to access research and learning, and the latest news and information highlights. Participants will also be invited to join our expert-led online events and webinars where they can engage with a range of experienced global and regional practitioners and researchers.”

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