Pakket van handig toepasbare materialen om jonge kinderen te helpen.

ingevoerd op 24-5-2012

Dit pakket is bedoeld om beleidsmakers, programmamakers en hulpverleners te helpen bij de hulp aan jonge kinderen, met name zij di getroffen zijn door HIV/AIDS in de familie of zij die zelf geinfecteerd zijn op een geintegreerde en holistische wijze.

Korte engelse beschrijving van het pakket: 
The package aims to provide strategies and tools to:
* Eliminate barriers to care and support;
* Foster positive caregiver-child interaction;
* Support links to broad systems of integrated care; and
* Employ a developmentally appropriate approach

Materials have been developed based on a comprehensive literature review of the effects of HIV and AIDS on young children and caregivers and a review of current programs and materials addressing the needs of vulnerable children, and specifically in relation to ECD. 

Efforts to develop the Essential Package (EP) were led by the Inter-Agency Task Force on ECD and AIDS (IATF) within the Consultative Group and co-chaired by CARE and Save the Children.  The  materials from the EP are currently available for viewing and downloading on two separate websites: and