12 april: internationale dag voor kinderen die leven op straat!

ingevoerd op 3-4-2012

The International Day for Street Children 2012: Challenging Perceptions

The International Day for Street Children is celebrated every year on 12 April. The day provides a platform for the millions of street children around the world - and their champions - to speak out so that their rights cannot be ignored.

The International Day for Street Children was launched in 2011 by the Consortium for Street Children (CSC), the leading international network dedicated to realising the rights of street children worldwide. The day is celebrated by street children, NGOs, policy makers, celebrities, corporates and individuals across the globe. The International Day for Street Children is supported by Aviva, through its Street to School programme.

Since the first international day in 2011, the UN commissioned a report into street children in order to be better able to protect and promote their rights. This report was presented to the March 2012 session of the Human Rights Council. You can read the report here:
http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Children/Study/Pages/childrenonthestreet.aspx (http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Children/Study/Pages/childrenonthestreet.aspx)

This year’s theme is ’challenging perceptions’ of street children. We are encouraging people to question what they think they know about street children.  To mark the day CSC wants to ensure street children are not ignored and are asking governments, NGOs and the public to sign a pledge to stand up for the rights of street children at
http://www.streetchildrenday.org/take-action/#addyourvoice (http://www.streetchildrenday.org/take-action/#addyourvoice)

Being a street child is not a crime:
* Street children adopt many tactics necessary to survive on the streets, such as begging, loitering and rough sleeping
* Heavy handed treatment by authorities - such as violence and round-ups -  is all too common and must be stamped out
* Rather than treat them as criminals authorities should understand the reasons for street children’s behaviour and provide support

On CSC’s dedicated website you can find further information about how to get involved: http://www.streetchildrenday.org/. Support the day by helping to spread the word through your networks, websites, twitter and Facebook accounts.

Please join our partner, the Consortium for Street Children in realising the rights of street children - your support is invaluable!