Lunch meeting 23 June 2011 in Den Haag rond social cash transfers

ingevoerd op 31-5-2011

The role of Civil Society in Strengthening the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Scheme

STOP AIDS NOW! warmly invites you to a lunch meeting on The role of Civil Society in  Strengthening the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Scheme.

In 2010 STOP AIDS NOW! supported a project in Chitipa district in Malawi that aimed at strengthening the government-led Social Cash Transfer Scheme in the district. Four Malawian NGOs (NOVOC, YONECO, CEYCA and IPRSE) worked hand in hand to improve the effectiveness of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme. Participatory research was part of the project[1].

In the lunch meeting the parameters of the current Malawi Social Cash Transfer Scheme will be presented, as well as the research results of the STOP AIDS NOW! research, and the new insights in the role civil society can plan in the government-led Social Cash Transfer Scheme.
The discussion will focus on the role Dutch organisations and their counterparts in the South can play in strengthening Social Cash Transfer Programmes in developing countries.

Date:       23 June 2011
Time:       12.00 – 13.30 h
Place:      Cordaid offices, Lutherse Burgwal 10, 2512 CB The Hague

Please confirm your participation beforehand to Doortje ‘t Hart ( and/or Alinda Bosch (