Kindervredesprijs 2011: oproep kinderen te nomineren

ingevoerd op 25-2-2011

Misschien is een kind uit uw project wel de winnaar van de Kindervredesprijs 2011. U kunt nu een kind nomineren.

Call for Nominations 2011
This year the International Children’s Peace Prize will be celebrated around the Day of the Rights of the Child: the 20th of November 2010. We would like to invite you to inform us about the children you meet and work with and whom you feel might be a good candidate for this Prize. Any boy or girl between 12 and 18 years old who has a clear history of standing up and fighting for the rights of him/herself and other children can be nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize. It is important that the child has an active approach in accomplishing his or her goal.
KidsRights calls out to everyone worldwide to nominate a child who would deserve the International Children’s Peace Prize. The deadline for sending in nomination forms is 18th April 2011. The nominations can be send to
The nomination form (English and Spanish) can be downloaded below from the website