Nieuwe informatie op de website van BCN Internationaal

ingevoerd op 1-2-2011

Op de website van BCN Internationaal staan weer een aantal nieuwe lezenswaardige documenten.

In Afrika maken landen National Plans of Action om de zorg voor wezen en kwetsbare kinderen goed en gecoördineerd te plannen en monitoren. Veel ministeries en NGO’s werken zo samen binnen een eenduidig beleid.
Het eerste document geeft een evaluatie van die plannen in een aantal Afrikaanse landen.

Establishing, Reviewing and Implementing National Plans of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Southern and East Africa: Lessons Learnt and Challenges
This report focuses on the experiences of Save the Children in monitoring, implementing and reviewing NPAs in Angola, Ethiopia, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Despite the varying HIV epidemiological, infrastructure, political will and child welfare contexts of the seven case study countries, there are several areas that all identified, either as a promising practice or as a challenge, to implementing NPAs or other child-focused legal instruments. The report’s key learnings and recommendations are directed at four themes: user-friendly and timely dissemination; coordination; community capacity strengthening; and participation Read more at:

Andere niiewe documenten in de online bibliotheek:
National Responses for Children Affected by AIDS: Review of Progress and Lessons Learned
This report presents a broad overview of progress made and lessons learned in mounting national responses for children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children. Based on availability of literature and key informants, Zimbabwe, India and Jamaica were looked at in more detail. The current review finds that although significant momentum for addressing the needs of children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children has been generated at the global, regional and national level, complicated challenges persist especially in terms of defining the target population, capacity for implementation and monitoring and evaluation. A key finding is that wide variation across countries calls for more refined guidance from global and regional stakeholders.
Nigeria National Guidelines and Standards of Practice on Orphans and Vulnerable Children
National guidelines were developed to ensure comprehensive, efficient and effective care, support and protection of orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria. In view of the current plans to accelerate and scale up the national OVC response through the National Plan of Action (2006 - 2010) efforts to assure and improve the quality of services provided for the well-being, protection and development of children considered most vulnerable in Nigeria are timely. At the centre of the concept of quality are the needs of the orphan and vulnerable child, the family and community. The main purpose therefore, was to create an environment where all stakeholders support quality in the provision of care, support and protection to orphans and vulnerable children in compliance with agreed guidelines and standards of practice.