Materiaal in het duits rond kinderhandel dat gebruikt kan worden in trainingen

ingevoerd op 22-12-2010

Materiaal om aandacht te vragen voor de grote aantallen kinderen, vrouwen en mannen die slachtoffer zijn van mensenhandel is gemaakt in Oostenrijk. Voor hen die met dit onderwerp bezig zijn wellicht goed om te bekijken en nieuwe ideeën op te doen.
Zie de mededeling hieronder.

According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) an estimated 2.4 million children, women and men are victims of human trafficking each year. By means of deceptive promises or the use of menace and violence, people are displaced and/or sold for sexual exploitation or into forced labour.

In order to call attention to this fundamental violation of human Rrhts and to raise awareness in schools, Zentrum polis – the Austrian Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Schools – especially emphasised on this topic for the last few months.

The October-issue of the monthly magazine, polis aktuell, intended for teachers and multipliers, focused on editing the topic for the use in the classroom. The magazine provides basic information on the definition and the various causes of human trafficking. As women and children are those most affected by human trafficking, two chapters focus particularly on them. The magazine also contains exercises for the classroom, tips for links and information on workshops and teaching material for schools with regard to the topic.

In addition to the magazine an exhibition for pupils was published on initiative of the Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking and on the occasion of the EU-Anti-Trafficking Day on the 18th of October. On eleven posters pupils can find, in comprehensible language and backed by numerous personal case studies, information on how and why people become victims of human trafficking, how the traffickers proceed and what measures can be taken to fight human trafficking. For use in schools the exhibition is supplemented by a handbook for teachers, which contains background information and questions for reflection on the particular posters.

All these materials (in German) can be downloaded for free or requested on the website of Zentrum polis: