My So-Called Emancipation: From foster care to homelessness for California youth

ingevoerd op 14-5-2010

Wereldwijd worden kinderen opgevangen. Denken we ook aan hen als ze volwassen worden? Een toenemend aantal projecten onderzoekt wat met kinderen opgegroeid in de zorg gebeurt als ze de leeftijd van 18 bereiken. Dat dat niet alleen een probleem is in ontwikkelingslanden bevestigt het onderzoek in California, USA.

[LOS ANGELES, 12 May 2010] - California is creating homeless adults by failing to ensure that youth in foster care are given the support to live independently as adults and by ending state support abruptly, Human Rights Watch said in a new report. Human Rights Watch said that the state should provide financial support, connections with adults, shelter, and other safety nets for young people as they make the transition towards independence.

The 70-page report, ”My So-Called Emancipation: From Foster Care to Homelessness for California Youth,” documents the struggles of foster care youth who become homeless after turning 18, or ”aging out” of the state’s care, without sufficient preparation or support for adulthood. California’s foster care system serves 65,000 children and youth, far more than any other single state. Of the 4,000 who age out of the system each year, research suggests, 20 per cent or more become homeless.

”By failing to prepare youth in foster care for adulthood and cutting them off from support abruptly as they become adults, California is failing in its duty to these young people,” said Elizabeth Calvin, senior advocate for children’s rights at Human Rights Watch and author of the report. ”These young people are capable of making the transition successfully, but they cannot do it without the state’s help.”
This month the state is considering dramatic cuts to child welfare services, which would eliminate an existing transitional living programme, over 400 social workers, and other programmes for foster youth preparing for adulthood.

”These proposed budget cuts would undermine foster youth’s main defense against living on the streets,” Calvin said. ”The state will bear the costs of the predictable result - increased homelessness.”
Most children enter foster care because abuse or neglect at home triggers the duty of the state to step in and protect them. The state becomes their parent and must ensure that children have adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, and education. But the responsibility to provide the guidance and support necessary for children in foster care to grow into independent adults is no less important, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch interviewed 63 young people who became homeless after they left foster care in California. Their stories shed light on the complex array of factors that led to their homelessness: missed opportunities to learn skills, lack of ability to support themselves, a shortage of second chances, and the fact that no one cared what happened to them.

Of those interviewed, 65 per cent had not graduated from high school when they were forced out of state care; 90 per cent had no source of income. These young people were expected to survive on their own, though the state had provided little training for adult living skills and was providing no support during the transition. In these cases, homelessness is a predictable outcome.

California state law requires child welfare agencies to develop, in conjunction with each youth in foster care, an ”emancipation plan” for what the young adult will do when leaving foster care. But in practice, plans are often not made or are unrealistic and unlikely to prevent a youth from becoming homeless, Human Rights Watch said. Young people described to Human Rights Watch emancipation plans that lacked arrangements for housing or the income to afford it.

Human Rights Watch called on California to provide foster youth with a variety of options as they make the transition to adulthood, like their peers in family homes enjoy. These could include more time at home before moving out on their own, or somewhere to stay for certain periods, such as during college vacations.

The state should also maintain a spectrum of other options for housing, mentoring, and support for former foster youth, including transitional housing programmes, mental health services, services for those with learning disabilities, and services for pregnant and parenting youth, Human Rights Watch said.
”The science of adolescent development shows that childhood does not end abruptly at a certain age,” Calvin said. ”In most US families, young people continue to receive a spectrum of support - emotional and financial - as they make the transition to adulthood, and the youth in California’s care deserve no less.”

For more information, contact:
Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor, New York, NY 10118-3299, United States
Tel: + 1 212 216 1837; Fax: 00 1 212 736-1300
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