Invitation for experttour ”Choices for Children” van 16 - 18 november 2009

ingevoerd op 6-10-2009

STOP AIDS NOW! warmly invites you to the Expert Tour in November that focuses on sharing lessons from the STOP AIDS NOW! project ‘Choices for Children’ in South Africa.

The issues that are central in the Expert Tour are:
• How to meaningfully have young people participate in projects that affect them?
• Setting up local networks of care for vulnerable children!
• Youth facilitators – their unique role in reaching out to vulnerable youth!
• How to promote communication of sensitive issues between parents and adolescents?
• Working with multi-stakeholder partnerships in the South – what (not) to do?

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The tour is set up in such a way that you are free to join the session(s) of your interest. Besides a range of interesting workshops a market place will be organised. The market place provides you the opportunity to share experiences with professionals from South Africa. They will tell you all about their work and showcase their reports and materials.
Register voor 1 november!

Check the SAN! website for the full programme, workshop descriptions and registration: