Online cursussen aangeboden op gebied van mensenrechten: ook kinderrechten zijn onderwerp! engels

ingevoerd op 6-6-2009

Final call for applications for HREA distance learning courses - September-November 2009

Dear Colleagues,

HREA is issuing a final call for applications for the following e-learning courses, which will be offered in the third trimester of 2009 (September-November):
- Armed Conflict, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Genocide: What Role for International Law?
- Human Rights Advocacy
- Human Rights-Based Programming (in French)
- Human Rights Information and Documentation (in French)
- Human Rights Monitoring (in French)
- Mainstreaming Human Rights
- Minority Rights, Indigenous Peoples and International Law
- Monitoring Children’s Rights
- Monitoring Women’s Rights

- Project Development and Management in the NGO Sector
- Research & Evaluation in the NGO Sector
- Terrorism, Human Rights and Human Security
- The United Nations Human Rights System

Please note that the registration deadline for these courses is Monday, 15 June 2009. Applications can be submitted online.

Further information about each course can be found below.
Best wishes,
Sandra Quintin
Distance Learning Programme, HREA