Nieuw op de website van BCN Internationaal

ingevoerd op 5-4-2009

Check out what’s new on the international BCN homepage!

-The Social Work Curriculum Development Advocacy Paper is now available on our homepage.  The cumulative effects of war, poverty, and displacement continue to erode community coping mechanisms in Afghanistan, a country that ranks among the lowest countries in the world for every indicator of child survival and development.  Afghanistan does not yet have an established system of social services designed to support vulnerable children and families. The Social Work Curriculum Development Advocacy Paper highlights the a crucial need to develop an institutionalized service delivery; to meet objectives set in the National Strategy for Children At-Risk (NSFCAR); and to fulfill obligations under the CRC.

- The Orphans Reunification Project Evaluation (ORP)
ORP began in May 2006 with the goal of reunifying and reintegrating 400 children from two State-run orphanages in Afghanistan.
Social workers were responsible for identifying children for reunification
and reintegration, linking them with their families, and providing ongoing
support during and after reunification.  Support included microbusiness
loans for the family.  The primary goal of ORP Evaluation is to analyze the timing and process of ORP social work to identify gaps in operations that might undermine effectiveness at the program and case level and inform the next phase of reintegration programming.

Other Documents and News
 - A Child’s Place is Within the Family outlines the project aims, critical
areas of child care reform, and expected results of the Serbian initiative:
“Transforming   Residential   Institutions   for  Children  and  Developing
Sustainable  Alternatives”.   The  brief  reports on the project’s focus on assisting   key  stakeholders  in  transforming  residential  institutions; strengthening  and  expanding  the existing foster care system and building professional  capacities  of the transformed system of child care.  To read this quick brief, clink the link below.

- The Children, Youth and Economic Strengthening (CYES) Network website launched!  CYES brings together practitioners, donors and academics to build a body of knowledge on effective economic strengthening programming for the benefit of children and youth.  The Network’s web site, the CYES Global Learning Platform, maps activities around the globe; houses related resources, funding opportunities, and events; offers commentary from leading experts; and provides space for dialogues and discussion. Visit to learn more and get involved.
- The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare banned the owner of the West African Support Community Network (WASCN) from engaging in the adoption of Liberian children.  However, a FrontPageAfrica investigation reports how the agency remains involved in the illegal adoption of many children and receives protection of top officials of the Liberian government.   
To read more, visit the new section of our homepage,