Help At Hand Materialen voor groepswerk aan houding en gedrag rond fysiek straffen van kinderen.

ingevoerd op 17-3-2009

overgenomen van de nieuwsbrief van het human Rights Education Centre.
Help At Hand Toolkit: A toolkit to change attitudes and behaviour around the physical punishment of children  
Author(s)  Rachel Matthews (Ed.)
Publisher  Curo Plant!/Children Are Unbeatable!
Place of Publication  n.p. op internet beschikbaar
Language(s)  English, Welsh
Keywords  reference, social workers, children’s rights, inhuman or degrading treatment, rights of the child, England, Scotland, United Kingdom, Wales
Description  This toolkit includes resource materials, activities and guidelines designed for different audiences, from children and parents to professionals working toward ending physical punishment of children. It offers a wide range of materials, from technical reports to case studies by experts and international institutions. The toolkit includes practical tools and guidelines for attitude change and legal advocacy to protect children from physical punishment. It also provides parents and care-givers with ideas for positive parenting as an alternative approach to employing physical punishment. 

Deze toolkit is heel toegankelijk en bevat een schat aan informatie en concrete materialen en ideeen om met een groep rond dit thema aan de gang te gaan.  
De toolkit is te vinden en downloaden op de website: