Kinderarbeid: Conferentie in juni 2009 in Den Haag; uitnodiging en oproep voor sprekers en papers!

ingevoerd op 28-12-2008

Seminar ILO C182 and Girl Child Labour [event and call for papers]
Date: 26-27 June 2009
Location: Den Haag

The International Research on Working Children (IREWOC) Foundation is organising a two-day seminar to present recent research on the impact of ILO Convention 182, particularly in relation to the girl child.
In June 1999, the ILO adopted Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. The Convention has been ratified by 168 countries and the last decade has witnessed increasing attention to solving the problem of child labour, particularly its worst forms. Girls account for around half of the child labourers around the world, but have rarely been approached as a distinct category, except in cases of typical female professions, such as prostitution and domestic labour.

The IREWOC Foundation ( is organising a two-day seminar to present recent research on the impact of ILO Convention 182, particularly in relation to the girl child. A number of issues that will arise include best practices, the extent of worst forms of child labour (sectors and regions) and the policy implications. The seminar will also aim to identify key gaps for future research.

The seminar, to be held in The Hague, on the 26th and 27th of June 2009, will be convened by Kristoffel Lieten (, in co-operation with ILO and Plan Netherlands.

Papers, to be written in English, are welcomed. A synopsis must be submitted before February 10th 2009. A scientific committee will select a short list of authors. The eventual seminar paper must be submitted by June 1st 2009. All parties interested in attending are invited to register for the seminar by email (

Voor meer informatie, contact:
International Research on Working Children - IREWOC
Cruquiusweg 68-70, 1019AH Amsterdam
