interlandelijke adoptie: veel informatie op internationale BCN site
ingevoerd op 16-12-2008
Meer en meer wordt informatie bekend over het wereldwijd toenemende aantal interlandelijke adopties sinds de jaren ’90. Dat hier vaak verontrustende corruptie en kidnapping aan ten grondslag liggen blijkt uit enkele nieuwe rapporten opnieuw en uit het document The Lie We Love dat via de link onderaan dit bericht is te downloaden.
Since the mid-1990s, the number of international adoptions each year has nearly doubled. At its peak, in 2004, more than 45,000 children from developing countries were adopted by foreigners. The Lie We Love documents that as international adoptions have flourished, so has evidence that babies in many countries are being systematically bought, coerced, and stolen away from their birth families. Nearly half the 40 countries listed by the U.S. State Department as the top sources for international adoption over the past 15 years have at least temporarily halted adoptions or been prevented from sending children to the United States because of serious concerns about corruption and kidnapping.