Aantal interlandelijke adopties uit Bulgarije neemt toe.

ingevoerd op 12-10-2008

Uit de nieuwsbrief van het Ministerie van Justitie
Aantal buitenlanders dat een kind wil adopteren uit Bulgarije groeit.
En daarmee ook het aantal kinderen dat geadopteerd wordt uit dit land.

Number of Foreigners Wishing to Adopt Bulgarian Children on the Rise
7 October 2008, Tuesday In the last ten months the Bulgarian Council for International Adoptions has examined 311 international proposals for the adoption of 348 Bulgarian children. This number is higher than the total number of proposals for children to be adopted for the 2005 - 2007 period. In 2005, the Council, chaired by the Deputy Justice Minister Ilonka Raychinova, has held 19 meetings and has received 156 proposals for 163 Bulgarian children.
Novinite, 07-10-2008 18:04

Onderstaande info kreeg BCN van Unicef Bulgarije over de toename van het aantal interlandelijke adopties:

Inter-country adoptions
According to Ministry of justice official statistics:
- in 2007 95 children were approved for international adoption
- in 2008 (till 1 July) 191 children have been approved for adoption 
The reasons for the increase number of approval for international adoptions might be the amendment of the Family Code and the facilitation of the process. The changes are two fold - while the number of adoptions is increasing, the new provisions are limiting the abandonment of children. The arrival of new Minister of justice who encouraged more proactive review of international adoption cases might be another explanation.

However, we could evaluate the real increase of numbers at the end of the year when we will have the final figures.